Stephanie Tammen, Instructional Designer

Stephanie Tammen’s goal is to improve and bring innovation to STEM education. She is currently an Instructional Designer at the University of Arizona, but her path to this current job is winding. She has a multi-disciplinary background, having earned a Ph.D. in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition before transitioning into education via a postdoctoral fellowship in curriculum design and evaluation. Before working at the University of Arizona, Stephanie was an Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, where she co-directed an online graduate-level program that teaches biomedical science to high school instructors nationwide. She also worked with high school teachers to research how partnerships between instructors and biomedical scientists may improve biology courses and student outcomes. 

Stephanie comes to Mat Bevel Company by way of an old friend and collaborator – Dr. Bruce Bayly. Bruce and Stephanie have known each other for over a decade, and met when Stephanie volunteered with Bruce’s science outreach program, the Physics Factory, as an undergraduate. Along with other members of the Physics Factory, Bruce and Stephanie took physics education on the road when they drove a Physics Bus from Tucson to Edmonton, Canada and back in the summer of 2008! The assemblies and stage shows of the Physics Factory gave Stephanie an opportunity to blend science education with her background of theater and dance (which sparked the creation of the Physics Fairy, a magical character that made physics happen!).

Stephanie says, I am excited to join the Mat Bevel family and The Universe Within project because of its unique way of blending art, engineering and science to get kids engaged in their own learning. It’s the perfect fit for me with my background in theater, science and education! The passion of the Mat Bevel team is tangible and motivating, and Stephanie looks forward to seeing what we can create!

Luis Carrión, Producer & Videographer

Luis Carrión is an award-winning producer and videographer who has developed extensive projects for online audiences. He excels in researching and producing high-quality video across multiple platforms, and understands the importance of engaging viewers in a crowded online ecosystem.  

As part of the University of Arizona’s Office for Digital Learning multimedia production team, he produces vibrant educational content that is anchored in the science of learning. Luis believes video can help strengthen the communication between educators and learners. “The use of music, lighting, editing and pacing provide a limitless pallet for digital video,” he says. “I love using this pallet, and my deep knowledge of video production, to create high quality video that engages students and learners with the online content.”

Luis is the recipient of eight regional Emmy Awards for his video productions, and considers himself to be first and foremost a storyteller. His work distills complex academic concepts into productions that use audio and video in an aesthetically appealing presentation. 

Luis is familiar with Ned Schaper’s work, having produced more footage of the Museum Of Kinetic Art than any other videographer/producer for Arizona Public Media.

Luis says, “I love the educational component Ned Schaper is exploring, with themes of recycling, conservation, intuitive engineering and energy efficiency. Now, through The Universe Within multimedia curriculum, his work opens up an unexplored area of educational capabilities and prospective outcomes. Students anywhere will be able to immerse themselves in the mechanized movement, the sounds and colors, by bringing kinetic art into the digital realm.”